Innovation in Nature – Velcro

The inspiration for innovation can come from many places. One of the best places to look is in nature. Nature has been solving its own problems for millions of years and has had plenty of time to work out the bugs and become sustainable.   Biomimicry is a science...

Why Associations Need to Innovate

Associations are a legacy business, like newspapers, and the TV industry. And they have all enjoyed many years of success without being challenged…until now.   Early roots of associations could be found in craft guilds, churches, and trading groups. Guilds...

Primitive Creativity and Innovation

Creativity and innovation cover such a wide spectrum, it’s hard to say when it all actually started. Since the beginning of mankind we have had a propensity to come up with new ideas, and constantly improve on existing ideas. The need to create is built into our...

The Future of Newspapers

The thing about innovation is that people are inherently resistant to change. That’s never been truer than in the newspaper industry. And, I mean, who could blame them? For decades newspapers were raking in such enormous profits it was literally like printing...