Conformity Kills Creativity in Kids
Remember in school when you were told that you couldn't color outside of the lines? I remember it vividly and got in trouble for even questioning why we couldn't. I understand the reasons for rules, especially as a kid when you seem most powerless against the...
Cold Calling Techniques
I can't think of many people who actually like cold calling. For most it's like anticipating a trip to the dentist. But if you're going to run a business it's critical that you learn the skill if you want to succeed. Even if you are thinking about hiring other people...
Teenager Uses Creativity to Give Homeless Kids Hope
I love to hear stories like this. Hope for Creativity was started by a teenager who recognizes how important creativity is, and that everyone should have access to the tools to make it possible. It doesn't take much, but for those who are homeless, art supplies would...
Positive Mood Seems to Boost Creativity
A new study shows that happy people are better able to be creative: Article by Robert Preidt MONDAY, Dec. 20 (HealthDay News) -- People who are seeking creative inspiration should try to look on the bright side, the results of a new study suggest. Canadian researchers...
Which Comes First, the Product or the Brand?
Which comes first the product or the brand? Even though a company's brand name products fall under the umbrella of their corporate name, most consumers are buying the brand itself. For example, Tide laundry detergent is a brand of Procter and Gamble. But when you go...
5 Ways Entrepreneurs Can Make Creativity a Habit
Working writers and other artists know that you have to “work” at being creative. Writer’s block isn’t an option when you are being paid to crank out scripts, novels, or articles. So you have to make creativity a habit every day. It’s no different for...
Word of Mouth Marketing
Word of mouth marketing is one of the cheapest and most effective ways to market your business. So it makes sense to perfect it, especially during a recession when advertising can get expensive. Where there is a seller, there is a buyer. A business just...
Are You a Risk Taker?
Let’s face it, starting a business is a risky endeavor. This is one reason so many people hesitate to do it. It takes guts to give up the security of a steady paycheck to go out and borrow money that you may not be able to pay back or to max out your credit cards and...
5 Excuses for Not Starting a Business and How to Overcome Them
Not everyone could or should be a business owner, but don’t let the fear of the unknown stop you from becoming an entrepreneur when it can be avoided. Most people have a list of excuses that stop them from ever taking the first step. Here are 5 excuses for not...