by Julie Austin | Jun 4, 2010 | Entrepreneurism
Let’s face it, starting a business is a risky endeavor. This is one reason so many people hesitate to do it. It takes guts to give up the security of a steady paycheck to go out and borrow money that you may not be able to pay back or to max out your credit cards and...
by Julie Austin | May 2, 2010 | News
Not everyone could or should be a business owner, but don’t let the fear of the unknown stop you from becoming an entrepreneur when it can be avoided. Most people have a list of excuses that stop them from ever taking the first step. Here are 5 excuses for not...
by Julie Austin | Apr 24, 2010 | Book Reviews
Book review: The Money Garden About two months ago, a friend approached me for some advice. He had been laid off from his job, had a nice nest-egg set aside, and was trying to decide what to do next. Luckily, because of his nest-egg and his severance, he was a man...