
Julie Austin Creativity Innovation Keynote Speaker Blog

Creativity With Fewer Resources

Creativity With Fewer Resources

In Cade Courtly's book "SEAL Survival Guide: A Navy Seal's Secrets to Surviving Any Disaster", he tells how a former teammate in Iraq had to improvise on a raid. He had to grab anything he could find to protect himself. He ended up using a toaster as a deadly weapon....

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Inventor of Coston Flares

Inventor of Coston Flares

Inventor of Coston Flares If inventors know one thing it's how to make lemons out of lemonade. History is full of stories about inventors who have succeeded despite failure and tragedy. The inventor of Coston Flares Martha Coston dealt with both. She married a man,...

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What If You Aren’t Naturally Creative?

What If You Aren’t Naturally Creative?

What can you do if you aren't naturally creative? New research proves that you can be creative even if it's not in your nature to be. Emotional flexibilty and creativity is there a connection between emotional flexibility and creativity? According to a new study from...

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Creativity and Innovation Keynote Speaker

Innovation Keynote Speaker Blog

Creative Innovation Group

My goal is to bring you as much value as possible and make you look like a rock star in the eyes of your audience. I'm an inventor and innovation keynote speaker who speaks to organizations on how to generate breakthrough ideas to create their ultimate competitive advantage.

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Dallas-Fort Worth, Texas

(310) 444 - 7788

Creative Innovation Group

My goal is to bring you as much value as possible and make you look like a rock star in the eyes of your audience.

Contact Us

Dallas-Fort Worth, Texas

(310) 444 - 7788