Invention of Automatic Doors

Invention of Automatic Doors

You probably go through an automatic door almost every day. But where did the idea originate? The history of automatic doors is a fascinating journey that spans several decades, involving various inventors, engineers, and technological advancements. Here’s a...
Invention of the Typewriter

Invention of the Typewriter

The invention of the typewriter is an interesting tale that involves several inventors and a desire for more efficient and legible writing. Many inventions have more than one inventor throughout the progression of the invention process. This process also often spans...
Inventor of Coston Flares

Inventor of Coston Flares

Inventor of Coston Flares If inventors know one thing it’s how to make lemons out of lemonade. History is full of stories about inventors who have succeeded despite failure and tragedy. The inventor of Coston Flares Martha Coston dealt with both. She married a...
Invention of the Nail

Invention of the Nail

Anybody who has accidentally struck a nail the wrong way and smashed their finger might have cursed them. But nails are one of the most important inventions we have. They are used in construction to build homes, (the average house uses between 20,000-30,000) by...
The Invention of Television

The Invention of Television

Television. What would we do without it? Thank goodness a series of inventors started thinking about it centuries ago with the invention of television. I’m sure, even as forward thinking as they were, they could never have imagined modern day streaming and...