Economic Downturn Creates Serendipity

Economic Downturn Creates Serendipity

Economic Downturn Creates Serendipity Quite often innovation comes from serendipity. This was the case with Chester Carlson. It’s a great lesson in how innovation will often find you if you are willing to go in a different direction in life. It was the depths of...
The Innovation of Fritos

The Innovation of Fritos

An example of an innovative food product invented during The Great Depression was Fritos. Innovation isn’t always an invention, but could be another way of selling and marketing a product. This is what happened with the innovation of Fritos corn chips. The Original...
The Invention of Nylon

The Invention of Nylon

Who could have guessed that a trade war between two countries would result in the invention of nylon? When trade relations with Japan soured in 1935, the United States had to figure out another way around the silk that we were getting from them since Japan was the...
Invention of the Elevator

Invention of the Elevator

Invention of the Elevator Some inventions seem modern, but were actually invented many years ago in a different form. That’s the case with the invention of the elevator. Prolific inventor Archimedes, came up with a primitive elevator that was operated by ropes...