Granville T. Woods Black Edison

Granville T. Woods Black Edison

Granville T. Woods Black Edison As a self taught inventor myself, I love hearing stories of other inventors who pulled themselves up by their bootstraps and simply figured everything out. Granville T. Woods, also known as the Black Edison, was that kind of person. He...
The Ability to Make Boring Things Interesting

The Ability to Make Boring Things Interesting

Ability to Make Boring Things Interesting I’ve never understood the concept of being bored. As an inventor and innovator that’s not even in my vocabulary. Inventors are infinitely curious about the world around them. So even the topics that might seem...
Accidental Innovation – The Microwave Oven

Accidental Innovation – The Microwave Oven

Innovation Microwave Oven Many of the inventions we have now started out as accidents. One accidental innovation was the microwave oven. We take it for granted when we want a quick cooked meal, popcorn or a warmed over slice of pizza from the night before. It’s...